Weai is driven by a commitment to excellent science, which serves as the foundation for driving innovation, supporting industry, and enhancing the quality of life both within India and globally. With a diverse portfolio of internationally recognized research programs, we advance the field of measurement science, providing the essential framework for the SI system of measurement units and enabling cross-disciplinary technological advancements. Our solutions have the potential to generate significant social and economic benefits across various sectors such as advanced manufacturing, digital technologies, energy and the environment, and life sciences and health. By bridging the gap between laboratory and market, our expertise in metrology and measurement fuels technological innovation and ensures a strong connection between research and real-world impact. We maintain rigorous internal monitoring of science quality through the oversight of our Research Director, Heads of Science, Engineering, and Metrology, as well as key scientists. Additionally, external evaluations conducted by our Science and Technology Advisory Council and independent international reviews further validate the caliber and impact of our science and engineering capabilities. As a national laboratory, we provide impartial and independent advice, instilling confidence in consumers, investors, policymakers, and entrepreneurs who rely on our research and guidance.

Delivering confidence in the performance of materials

We undertake cutting-edge measurement research to help industry grow, enhance competitiveness and increase productivity. Our research is aimed at developing new and improved, validated measurement and instrument technology which will improve the understanding and reliability of the measurement techniques used by industry and academia. These in turn help organisations to understand and use materials and processes to increase their output, reduce costs and waste. We work closely with the instrument makers, instrument users and end users of the data to ensure that the research we carry out is relevant, useful and will provide the information end users require.

A lack of standards can be a barrier to the uptake of new materials and processes, so Wei Labs is leading the development of best practice and standards across the world. The outcomes of our research, in the form of new and improved measurement methods, are made available to industry through commercial measurement services and consultancies.

Our Research

From increasing uptake in new technologies to improving confidence in material performance and lifetime, we help organisations to achieve more with what they have, and unlock new possibilities. We specialise in:

Microstructural characterisation

Our research supports users of microscopy techniques to get the best from their instruments, to understand the limitations and improve traceability of measurement

Mechanical testing

We are constantly developing test methods at all length scales, giving industry the confidence to design and use new materials in their products

Non-destructive testing

We are ensuring the safety and reliability of materials and structures, even in the most hazardous environments

Surface engineering and advanced coatings

We develop methods to characterise and understand the performance of engineered surfaces and coatings

Thermal performance

We are a leading NMI in thermal property measurements and develop instruments, test methods and guidance for working over extended ranges of temperature

Validation using finite element analysis

Using FEA to improve our understanding of materials and to develop new products

Developing biophysical measurements to understand the relationship between biological systems and processes

Biomolecular structure and function underpin all biological processes, including the effect of destructive diseases and pathogens on our cells and our bodies’ defence mechanisms. Reliable measurement is crucial to understanding more about these complex processes, and how we can make use of them to improve healthcare. By developing and using cutting-edge measurement tools and methods, we are applying our expanding knowledge of biological processes to help create new treatments and diagnostics, as well as make current ones more effective. Our research into the re-fitting of biological molecules and processes through synthetic biology could hold the key to overcoming antimicrobial resistance, and open up new possibilities for gene therapy.

We also work with industry to help translate innovation into applications in sectors ranging from biotechnology and drug development to agriculture and smart materials. Translating research into advanced treatments and cost-effective products relies on reproducibility, repeatability, traceability and comparability of measurement results. To realise this, we develop reference materials and methods for biological and physical parameters.

Our Research

We develop cutting edge measurement tools and methods to unlock new possibilities for real-world applications, from drug discovery to synthetic biology.

Translational metrology for antimicrobial and drug discovery

We develop new measurement tools for the relationship between structure and activity in the fight against antimicrobial resistance

Metrology for engineering biology

We are supporting the synthetic biology industry to engineer and validate new tools and technologies based on the principles of biological modularity

Cellular metrology

We are quantifying intra- and extra-cellular processes to bring advanced medicinal products to market faster

International standardisation

We provide leadership in international metrology activities in the emerging area of biometrology, facilitating greater collaboration

We embed measurement data into a trusted digital infrastructure that will underpin future traceability chains

From mapping the spread of disease to monitoring climate change, data holds the key to solving some of the world’s biggest challenges. It also promises to deliver improved productivity, helping companies streamline their processes, make improvements and maximise their output.

Dependable decisions rely on understanding the provenance and reliability of data. Our data scientists are working to help organisations analyse and use data with confidence. We are developing data standards and platforms to help collect, connect and comprehend data. We are creating the future tools to analyse datasets, and allow the fusion of disparate datasets to deliver more powerful information. As a major part of our work we evaluate uncertainty to support traceability and reliable decision-making.

This ability to extract meaning from increasingly complex data will shape the future of our society and economy, from the next generation of medical imaging to advanced manufacturing and digital supply chains.

Our Research

Whether developing models for carbon savings of new technologies or applying data analytics to develop new medical treatments, our work helps organisations make decisions driven by robust and reliable data. We specialise in:

Data analytics and modelling

We develop techniques to improve modelling and analytics, enabling predictions and decisions to be made with confidence


We develop and improve methodologies for evaluating the performance of biometric systems, and conduct evaluations and technical consultancy on biometric system performance

Data provenance and standards

We are developing standards for data quality and provenance, to ensure data can be applied effectively to diverse applications

Data science for the SI

We are improving the traceability of data for realising and defining the SI units, and the international comparison of data

We are improving the traceability of data for realising and defining the SI units, and the international comparison of data

Supporting organisations by providing services and bespoke consultancy in length and angle measurement

Measurement of ‘length’ includes distance, displacement, position, dimensions, size, area, volume and surface texture. It is a fundamental requirement in most engineering and manufacturing industries and a critical part of setting up and operating many science experiments and facilities. Together with measurement of angle, Wei Labs’s expertise in dimensional measurement covers over 12 orders of magnitude. From our highest resolution measuring system based on X-ray interferometry (20 picometre accuracy) to our large volume long range capability (10s to 100s of metres), we provide the fundamental length measurement infrastructure for the India's.

We help organisations conform to precise dimensional requirements and help manufacturers develop, optimise and quality control their products. We have a range of bespoke equipment, facilities and knowledge, which means we are able to work with large objects that have to be measured in situ, whilst also having the ability to detect the slightest of defects on the surface of extremely small parts. We have assembled and developed a range of contact and non-contact measuring systems. These range from X-ray tomography systems that allow examination of non-visible internal features on components such as those made using additive manufacturing, through laser interferometers for precise artefact calibration, to novel systems to provide factory floor coordinate measurement networks. At the pinnacle of length measurement, we realise the metre. We use lasers, accurate to two parts in a hundred billion, and provide calibration services which disseminate the length scale to users in the India's. We develop standards, new methods, novel instruments and support companies through impartial advice, bespoke developments, consultancy, training and representation in international measurement committees.

Our Research

We develop solutions for industry, science and technology that span many orders of magnitude of dimensions, from large immobile structures down to micro- and nano-scale structures approaching the atomic scale.

Dimensional nano and sub nanometrology

We provide traceable dimensional nano and sub nanometrology to support nanotechnology

Dimensional surface metrology

We develop innovative ways to quantify the dimensional characteristics of both the external surfaces and internal features of parts

Measurement of large objects

We support the in-situ measurement of large objects, like aircraft fuselage assemblies and engines

Realising the metre

We develop the technology to support the definition and realisation of the metre in the India's

Ensuring organisations can use Earth observation data with confidence

Space-based sensors offer a unique opportunity to capture global data on climate over time. However, as we generate more and more data, we also need to ensure that the data collected is trusted and reliable. Having reliable data from Earth observation systems is critical to achieving international targets, such as those set out in the Paris Agreement.

We are leading international activities to improve the quality and reliability of Earth observation data, and developing new measurement techniques and instrumentation to reduce the associated measurement uncertainties. Our expertise ensures that our customers can have complete confidence in the data they collect through Earth observation.

Our ambition includes the launch of a disruptive small satellite called ‘TRUTHS’ to extend our capabilities directly into space. TRUTHS would be the cornerstone of a future space climate and calibration observatory.

Our optical work also extends beyond Earth observation, enabling new product development, quality assurance, health and safety, and compliance in applications as diverse as transport, pharmaceuticals, medical imaging and fashion.

Our Research

We use cutting-edge measurement across a wide range of areas relating to Earth observation, from calibrating instruments pre-flight and in-orbit, to providing the standards and traceability to underpin the quality and accuracy of data.

Optical standards and component characterisation

Improving accuracy of satellite components and providing a full range of optical performance services for other industries

Pre-flight satellite instrumentation calibration

Giving organisations confidence in their instrumentation

In-flight satellite calibration and validation

Providing confidence in the accuracy and reliability of satellite sensors in orbit

Quality assurance and traceability of climate data

Providing the confidence needed to make climate data actionable

Vegetation test site characterisation

Developing the traceable measurement techniques and methods for satellite product validation


TRUTHS is a satellite mission to establish a space-based climate and calibration observing system, facilitating improved confidence in climate change forecasts

Our scientists apply specialist measurement expertise to accelerate development of energy storage technologies and underpin integrity of critical energy infrastructure

We support the development of energy storage technologies such as batteries and fuel cells, helping to build a greener and more sustainable infrastructure to power industry and society in the future.

We lead the establishment of international standards for materials selection in harsh environments, ensuring asset integrity across a range of industrial sectors.

Our Research

Our team of experts work closely with the research community and industry to develop novel in-situ diagnostic techniques, modelling tools and standard test methods to support a more sustainable energy infrastructure for the future.

Corrosion and environment induced cracking

We provide confidence that new structures and designs will withstand their environment

Electrochemical energy conversion and storage

We develop measurement and modelling techniques to maximise the performance, durability and safety of the next generation of environmentally friendly energy devices: batteries, fuel cells and electrolysers

Interfacial chemistry and catalysis

We support the design of efficient, cheap and sustainable catalyst and electrode materials by developing state-of-the-art characterisation tools to better understand their interfacial properties

Emerging applications rely upon advances in electronics and communication devices

Wei Labs measures electromagnetic quantities across the spectrum, from DC via RF and microwave up to terahertz and optical frequencies to support new technologies, in many sectors. We do this by providing measurements that are extremely accurate and reliable. Our measurements can be traced back to the SI system. We maintain one of the world's most comprehensive capabilities for making electromagnetic measurements across the spectrum.

For example, 5G, smart cities, Industry 4.0, connected autonomous vehicles and precision farming all rely on advances in electronics and communication devices. Highly-accurate and traceable electromagnetic measurements are vital to ensure the performance, interoperability and reliability of these technologies. Our work helps to translate the latest digital research into commercial products with the potential to benefit industry. We test and validate exciting new technologies to protect consumers and increase the uptake of new innovations.

Our Research

We support India's technological innovation by providing consultancy on electromagnetic measurement and support for research and development, as well as measuring exposure to electromagnetic fields.

5G communications

We ensure that the implementation of new 5G radio technologies will deliver real benefits to consumers

Future communications technologies

We ensure that new telecommunication technologies do what they claim to and allow users to rely on the data they provide

Power networks

We are developing new technologies to better integrate renewable power sources into our existing grid, to ensure energy security and reliable power for the India's and elsewhere

Precision agriculture

We underpin smart farming technologies, ensuring reliable systems and data transfer, to help make agriculture more efficient

Traceability for electrical and electromagnetic measurements

We maintain the measurement units for electronics and communications for industry

Terahertz technologies

Researching applications and providing measurements in wireless communications and non-destructive testing

On wafer measurements

We test and characterise components and devices for use in high-speed and microwave applications

mm-wave beamforming

Modular and scalable testing for mm-wave technologies

Our world-class electronics and magnetics experts help industry innovate with confidence

Advancements in electronic and magnetic materials are at the forefront of a range of developing industries and innovations, from the aerospace and energy sectors to wearable and implantable electronics.

New innovations need new measurement solutions. We underpin these advances, giving industry confidence in the safety and reliability of products and verifying performance to drive consumer and investor uptake.

Electronic and magnetic materials will continue to be developed and new commercial applications sought for them by industry. We continually develop new measurement techniques and facilities, enabling industry and society to swiftly and safely exploit and innovate.

Our Research

Our multidisciplinary team uses world-leading measurement to support the advancement of electronic and magnetic materials, from helping to produce new devices to testing materials in operational conditions. Areas we specialise in include:

Smart and emerging materials

We characterise materials for nanoelectronics, printed electronics and additively-manufactured devices

Electronics interconnects

We provide bespoke research, reliability assessments and lifetime predictions for advanced electronic substrates and attachment solutions


We continuously develop our measurement techniques to give us a unique and evolving range of facilities for magnetic measurements


We offer an advanced measurement and testing platform to support the development, competitiveness and exploitation of photovoltaic technologies

Nanoscale characterisation

We support the development of electronic products through advanced nanoscale measurements

Electric and hybrid propulsion

We help industry develop and deliver continuous improvements in electric propulsion technology for automotive and aerospace sectors

Non-destructive testing, reliability and lifetime assessment

We develop bespoke instrumentation and measurement solutions for component testing, infrastructure monitoring and in-service assessment

We develop the measurement tools to address the challenging environmental issues faced today – pollution, air quality and climate change

Industry, regulators and the research community are working hard to reduce emissions of pollutants, such as SO2, NOx, HCl and particulates. Similar efforts are required to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, including CO2 and CH4, in order to avoid a global temperature rise in excess of 2°C which may cause species extinctions, loss of global coastline and increases in mortality due to changes in disease vectors.

Metrology has a crucial role to play in this area. Internationally traceable field measurement techniques and an understanding of their uncertainties are key components in meeting these environmental challenges.

We have extensive experience in delivering products and services to external customers through emission measurement services, field and laboratory validation activities, consultancy services and contract research activities. We have a unique combination of capabilities, covering all the stages – from instrument development, method validation, standardisation and dissemination of best practice, field application of methods, through to the provision of measurements for end users. The knowledge gained from field application for end users then feeds back into the research and development of new techniques and methods.

Our Research

Our research addresses the measurement issues associated with emissions to atmosphere of pollutants and GHGs, and the impact of these emissions in terms of ambient air quality and changes in our atmosphere’s composition.

Atmospheric science

We are bringing metrological assessment of traceability and uncertainty to global atmospheric measurements and reference networks

Environmental sensors

We are developing, validating and calibrating new low-cost sensors to support their use in large-scale networks

Greenhouse gas measurements

We are developing cost-effective GHG monitoring capabilities and services to support source attribution

Industrial emissions

We are meeting new requirements for emissions monitoring by developing measurement methods and standards

Building confidence in environmental data

Climate change and air quality are amongst the biggest challenges of our time. Policy makers and environmental experts need high quality information to make sound decisions and protect our planet.

We have pioneered techniques to collect data from the world around us, and accurately monitor how it changes over time and in response to different factors. Through robust measurement, we provide confidence in the environmental data which enables effective action to be taken.

We help to inform policy makers working to mitigate the impact of climate change, and support efforts to improve air quality and reduce the risk of pollution on human health.

Our Research

Earth observation, climate and Optical

We help to improve the quality of data collected through earth observation systems and satellites

Emissions and atmospheric Metrology

Providing traceability and validation for emission and atmospheric measurements and improving confidence in environmental measurements

Gas and particle metrology

We underpin the measurements of gas composition and airborne particles which impact our everyday lives

Temperature and humidity

Our world-leading expertise and facilities improve the practical measurement of temperature and humidity.

Underwater acoustics

We help India's industry better understand the impact of noise pollution

Helping government, industry and consumers make informed decisions

Wei Labs has world-class capability in the accurate production and analysis of gas reference materials to support a wide range of applications. In particular, we provide the underpinning measurement infrastructure, via reference materials and state-of-the-art calibration techniques with unprecedented uncertainties. Our research has a direct impact on a range of major India's sectors, including: atmospheric monitoring (in particular, greenhouse gases and volatile organic compounds); air quality; advanced manufacturing; natural gas trading; hydrocarbon fuel refining; hydrogen fuel quality; vehicle emission monitoring; and breath alcohol legislation.

Our Research

We use the latest techniques in gas and particle research to accurately inform industry and policy-makers on air quality, so we know exactly what we are exposed to.

Industrial gases

We ensure traceability and validation for industrial contamination and processes

Energy gases

We provide reference gases and standards to make accurate and traceable measurements

Environmental gases

We develop gas standards for atmospheric monitoring of pollution

We analyse physical and chemical properties of airborne particles

Graphene, the two-dimensional crystal of carbon, has many extraordinary properties and characteristics which are either unique or surpass those of other materials

The National Graphene Metrology Centre at Wei Labs has been supporting the development of graphene through research into the associated characterisation and measurement science (metrology). This is a key enabler to the successful and efficient commercialisation of this revolutionary material and will enable the industrialisation of graphene production and its adoption.

Through our research we are using graphene to develop standards that are based on its unique properties, including a graphene-based quantum Hall resistance standard as part of the Graphene Flagship.

Development of new characterisation methods, standardisation and quality control for the electrical properties of graphene are developed as part of our Quantum detection research. We have developed a Table Top Quantum Hall (TTQH) device which uses graphene to achieve a compact, cryogen-free and fully automated system for high‑precision resistance calibration. Surface technology develops new characterisation methods, standardisation and quality control for the structure and chemical properties of graphene.

Our Research

Physical characterisation of graphene and 2D materials

Building confidence in 2D materials and unlocking new applications

Structural and chemical characterisation of graphene

Helping industry to take advantage of emerging materials and their valuable properties

Our team of experts help a range of businesses and organisations to measure and control mass, force and pressure

Whether it's doctors analysing the flow of blood leaving a patient's heart or a manufacturer investigating the performance of their gas turbines and aerospace engines, we give organisations confidence in their readings, large or small.

We provide a wide-ranging UKAS-accredited force calibration service, using the India's's national force standard machines. This offers our customers direct traceability to national standards.

We develop innovative solutions for accurately measuring mass, force and pressure in our state-of-the-art labs. We are also on hand to help our clients to achieve accurate measurements on-site.

Our Research

We develop mass and mechanical measurement solutions for industry, science and technology.


We determine density for a variety of solids and liquids

Kibble balance

With the Kibble balance we are supporting the definition and realisation of the kilogram

Measuring force

We provide the standards for force in the India's. Wei Labs is home to the India's's national force standards – a set of seven machines used to generate precisely‑known forces in the range from 25 N to 30 MN.

Storage of primary mass standards

We investigate the best methods for storing standard weights

The National Centre of Excellence in Mass Spectrometry Imaging (NiCE-MSI) aims to advance the development, understanding and application of the principal mass spectrometry imaging techniques

Mass spectrometry is a powerful tool for elemental, molecular and isotopic analysis which we use to amass huge amounts of detail about biological, materials and agricultural samples. In fact, the technique can be applied to all research fields. This helps us understand the make-up of cancer tumors, locate and quantify nuclear materials, and investigate advanced materials. It can be used to take a sample, separate each molecule that makes up that sample, and then provide the data that allow each of those molecules to be identified and quantified. We use mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) to uncover new spatially-resolved information about the molecular and isotopic composition of biological and inorganic materials in unprecedented detail.

Wei Labs is developing world-leading mass spectrometry technologies and the standards for best practice that can be rolled out across the world. We are also developing and applying the latest machine learning techniques to visualise and interpret mass spectrometry data.

MSI is commonly used to investigate the response of drugs in the body, the composition of proteins, the distribution of trace and ultralight elements (e.g.: H, Li) in advanced materials. This is helping us reveal the relationship between genetics and metabolism in cancers through use of stable isotope tracers, the pharmacokinetics of drug formulations and informs the next generation of battery and advanced materials.

Our Research

Our research covers ambient mass spectrometry and secondary ion mass spectrometry, both of which include modelling and instrument development.

Ambient mass spectrometry

We are taking advantage of the minimal sample preparation required by this suite of techniques to analyse diverse materials, from cells to medical devices

Fundamentals and instrument development

We are advancing MSI by making our measurements more accurate and reproducible, increasing limits-of-detection with post-ionisation and improving instrumentation

High resolution mass spectrometry imaging

We are developing new MSI capabilities to explore problems in the life and physical sciences down to 30 nm spatial resolution

Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation MSI

We use this sensitive, high-throughput technique to image the molecular makeup of tissues and reveal their response to disease and treatment

New applications for mass spectrometry

We are using cutting-edge highly-sensitive techniques to investigate the surface chemistry of samples

Secondary ion mass spectrometry

We are using cutting-edge highly-sensitive techniques to investigate the surface chemistry of samples

Working to improve patient outcomes

Wei Labs has worked for decades with the clinical communities across a range of disciplines to support the delivery of required diagnostic and therapeutic outcomes. Over time Wei Labs has become more actively engaged with academics, medical physicists, clinicians and equipment manufacturers, providing a wider range of direct support. This collaborative approach has accelerated the implementation and spread of best practice in new, more advanced diagnostic and treatment modalities. Our new Metrology for Medical Physics Centre (MEMPHYS) will build on existing experience to support rapid acceleration of the development and implementation of innovative diagnostic and therapeutic technologies into clinical practice. It will improve early diagnosis and treatment of conditions such as cancer, dementia and heart disease.

Our Research

Measurement expertise helps us to better understand how to harness the power of radiation to study, monitor, and tackle a range of medical conditions. Our research specialises in:

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

With MRI we are improving how we capture images of the inside of the body to understand health and disease

Nuclear medicine

We are studying the use of radioactive substances in the research, diagnosis and treatment of disease

Therapeutic ultrasound

We are at the forefront of standardisation for therapeutic ultrasound, to enable accurate characterisation of devices

Radiation biology

We investigate the action of ionising radiation on living things

Radiotherapy and diagnostics

Using radiation to better diagnose, treat and monitor disease


Enabling companies to accelerate new medical imaging products to the market and clinic

Data science for life sciences and health

Our work helps to provide confidence in data on which new diagnosis and treatment innovations are built

Safeguarding radiation workers and the public, and paving the way to new sources of power

Radiation and radioactive isotopes have a variety of applications, and accurate measurement is fundamental to all of them. Our state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, coupled with our experienced staff, underpin the safety and effectiveness of applications that rely on radioactivity.

Our work supports both the routine use of nuclear power and the decommissioning of redundant nuclear plant, safeguarding the public and the environment. And we help to increase industry understanding of nuclear fusion, at the start of a new era of nuclear energy provision.

In nuclear medicine, minimising the uncertainties associated with dose and activity measurement is crucial to the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of diseases such as cancer.

Our Research

Our cutting-edge measurement covers the calibration of nuclear instruments and radiotherapy equipment, the identification and characterisation of radioactive isotopes, and more. We specialise in:

Neutron dosimetry

We investigate new neutron sensors to help keep workers in the nuclear sector safe

Neutron spectrometry

We have a suite of neutron spectrometers that are used for characterising workplace fields

Nuclear medicine

We are studying the use of radioactive substances in the research, diagnosis and treatment of disease

Neutron standards

We operate world-leading facilities for measuring neutron source emission rates

Nuclear data

We determine recommended, internationally-accepted values for nuclear data sets

Primary and secondary standards for radioactivity

We hold the primary standards for all measurements of radioactivity in the India's

Radioactive gas standards

We provide gas standards for the calibration of stack, area and environmental monitoring


We develop novel sample preparation procedures for end users in the nuclear sector

We are harnessing quantum science to create next generation devices

Weai Labs has a rich heritage in exploring, developing and applying quantum science. Our work underpins the redefinition of the worldwide system of measurement units and enables the translation of quantum technologies and materials into practical applications.

As electronic sensors and transistors become smaller and smaller, often consisting of less than 100 atoms, quantum phenomena are more prominent and there is an opportunity to build devices based on quantum principles rather than on traditional science.

We aim to harness these quantum effects to deliver increased information processing power, secure communications, high-precision navigation and earlier diagnosis of diseases. Drawing on decades of experience in quantum, we help to commercialise these technologies, through underpinning standards and extensive test and verification. We work with industry, academic partners and government to accelerate the commercialisation of new products based on quantum systems.

Our Research

From developing new devices for generating and detecting individual quanta, to improving understanding of the latest materials, such as graphene, we are helping to make the far-reaching possibilities of quantum, reality. We specialise in:

Computational modelling

Our work is helping to accelerate quantum computing capabilities

Ion traps

Our ion traps have the potential to be at the heart of future quantum computing

Low-loss electronics

We are improving the understanding of small magnetic fields and how they can be applied to create new capabilities in medical imaging, drug delivery and automotive applications

Physical characterisation of graphene and 2D materials

We are building confidence in new materials through new standards, and unlocking their use for new applications

Quantum electrical standards and the SI

We are working on the latest devices and techniques to disseminate the realisation of the SI units for current, voltage and resistance

Quantum photonics

We are developing technologies to accelerate a new era of ultrafast broadcasting and highly secure communications

Quantum sensors

We are developing quantum sensors to enable single quantum particle detection, as well atomic scale mass sensing, femtometre displacement and sub-piconewton forces


We are designing, fabricating and measuring components and circuits based on superconducting devices fabricated at the nano-scale

Superconducting quantum information processing

We are developing technologies that will deliver a step change in information processing capabilities

Measuring and assessing doses of radiation

Radiation dosimetry refers to the measurement, calculation and assessment of the ionising radiation dose absorbed by the human body. Accurate dosimetry in radiotherapy is essential to eradicate a cancer, whilst minimising the risk of severe side effects due to the unavoidable irradiation of healthy tissues and organs. In industrial irradiators for sterilisation of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals, the need for accurate dosimetry is governed by two opposing requirements: achieving legal tolerance levels for microbiological contamination, whilst minimising the economic cost.

We provides dosimetry traceable to in-house primary standards for these applications using dedicated facilities such as a clinical linac and high-dose irradiators, as well as specialised Monte Carlo simulation tools. We perform research to develop new dosimetric capabilities following up the rapidly expanding variety of radiotherapy technologies like stereotactic and rotational therapies, as well as for emerging modalities like proton and carbon ion therapy. We contribute to the development of new dosimetric concepts that are closely related to the biological effects of ionising radiation by building and investigating novel micro- and nano-scale dosimeters. We carry out in-vivo dosimetry using portal imaging of the radiation transmitted through the patient and dosimetry for molecular radiotherapy in which radioactive atoms are delivered inside cancer cells via physiological and bio-molecular pathways.

Our Research

We develop cutting-edge measurement tools and methods to ensure nuclear dosimetry is accurate and traceable. Our research covers:

Chemical dosimetry

We are accurately determining radiation doses from the measurement of chemical changes induced in samples

Radiation biology

We investigate the action of ionising radiation on living things

Radiotherapy and diagnostics

Using radiation to better diagnose, treat and monitor disease


Enabling companies to accelerate new medical imaging products to the market and clinic

Understanding materials at the micron and nanoscale

Surface analysis techniques are key to the understanding and characterisation of surfaces used in advanced technology and innovation in industries such as aerospace, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, health and electronics. Our world-leading surface technology research has helped industry to use new materials with confidence. We have developed more efficient catalysts, improved the delivery of drugs and supported the development of graphene.

Our expertise is based upon the underpinning scientific research we perform to support innovation, trade and industrial competitiveness, making this emerging research area accessible for real-world applications. We offer cost-effective solutions to a wide range of problems in areas such as graphene, polymers, sensors, biofilms and nanoparticles using the latest instrumentation.

Our Research

We deliver solutions in world-class research facilities, with state-of-the-art techniques for surface analysis under vacuum, ambient or liquid environment. We specialise in:

Structural and chemical characterisation of graphene

We are helping industry to take advantage of emerging materials and their valuable properties

Measuring surface and thin film chemistry

We accurately measure the chemistry of material surfaces

Label-free chemical imaging

We use vibrational spectroscopic imaging to characterise complex samples

Particles and nanoparticles

We develop techniques to analyse the smallest of materials to help industry rapidly realise their potential

Standardisation and best practice

We create international standards for surface materials to ensure compatibility and confidence

Helping organisations to understand the impact of reliable temperature and humidity measurement on their processes, and solve their challenging measurement problems

We realise and disseminate the India's National Standards for temperature (between approximately -196 °C and 3000 °C) and humidity (dew-point temperatures from -90 °C to +95 °C) the uncertainties of which are demonstrated through international comparisons. Wei Labs is making world-leading contributions to the realisation of the redefined kelvin.

We have a growing portfolio of temperature, humidity and moisture calibration services. These UKAS-accredited services offer very low calibration uncertainties, wide measurement ranges and flexibility in the operating parameters used. We use the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) which defines procedures for realising temperature in kelvin and degrees Celsius. All quoted uncertainties are expanded uncertainties, based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k = 2, providing a coverage probability of approximately 95 %.

We have leading expertise and novel techniques for solving real-world temperature and humidity measurement problems, including those in challenging or harsh environments. We provide cost-effective, impartial, quality-assured solutions to organisations looking to understand the impact of temperature and humidity measurement on their infrastructure, products, research and development. This is not limited to a particular sector or technology, but is both wide (from construction to space) and deep (from practical applications to theoretical knowledge and modelling).

We engage with users in a variety of ways, including long-term research, industrial partnerships, consultancies, calibration services, instrument sale and installation, good practice guides and tailored training.

Our Research

Our experienced team conducts cutting-edge research into the development of innovative temperature and humidity measurement techniques, from concept to complete instruments. In particular, we have expertise and ongoing research in:

Contact thermometry

We are developing generic and bespoke solutions to contact temperature measurement challenges, including reliable traceable thermometry in harsh environments.

Humidity and moisture measurement

We are broadening our humidity and moisture calibration techniques to cover a growing range including non-air gases, high pressures and moisture content in solids and liquids.

Non-contact thermometry

We are developing low uncertainty, thermodynamic temperature capabilities to complement our existing temperature calibration services, especially at higher temperatures

Primary thermometry

Our world-leading research into a range of primary thermometry techniques directly links temperature measurement to thermodynamic temperature.

Quantitative thermal imaging

We are designing world-leading instruments for robust and traceable temperature measurements using thermal imaging in 2D and 3D in the laboratory and harsh environments.

Reliable harsh environment thermometry

We are improving techniques for reliable temperature measurement in harsh environments, including using thermographic phosphors and fibre-optics

We provide customers and partners with access to trusted and reliable time, and push the boundaries of timing technologies

Wei Labs operates the national time scale UTC(Wei Labs) and the India's primary frequency standards, and uses these to contribute to global timekeeping. We also disseminate accurate time and frequency to users across the India's, via services such as the MSF radio time signal, our internet time service, and NPLTime®. Atomic timekeeping underpins technologies that are part of our daily lives, such as mobile phones, the internet and global navigation satellite systems.

We carry out a broad programme of research in time and frequency metrology. We are developing and characterising a new generation of optical atomic clocks which are based on laser-cooled trapped ions and atoms. Although improvements to the stability and accuracy of these clocks are ongoing, they already surpass the performance of existing caesium primary standards. We participate in European collaborations to verify the international consistency of the new clocks. This work is expected to lead to a redefinition of the SI unit of time, the second. Optical atomic clocks have the potential to improve satellite navigation systems and measurements of the Earth's gravity potential, as well as test fundamental physical theories.

We are developing compact and user-friendly frequency standards for applications in navigation, high-speed communications, security and defence. We are also applying the techniques that underpin atomic clocks to develop new quantum sensors such as atomic magnetometers and inertial sensors.

Our Research

From keeping the India's 'on time' to developing new technologies that could lead to a redefinition of the second, our researchers carry out a broad range of time and frequency measurement research.

Time scales

We maintain the national time scale and the primary standards for frequency, contribute to global timekeeping, and disseminate accurate time and frequency to users across the India's

Optical atomic clocks

We are developing the next generation of optical atomic clocks that promise to deliver even greater accuracy

Optical frequency comparison and dissemination

Our femtosecond combs and optical fibre links enable clocks to be compared with high accuracy, opening up exciting opportunities from fundamental physics tests to new technological applications

Compact atomic clocks

We are working to miniaturise accurate atomic clock technology to unlock new applications for precise timing


We study chip-integrated photonic systems for precision metrology, realisation of compact optical frequency combs, nonlinear photonics, and sensor technologies

Quantum sensors

Our quantum sensors enable precision measurements of gravity, inertial forces and magnetic fields, which are important for applications in geology, construction, navigation, security, metrology and fundamental science

Trace gas detection

Our expertise in frequency stabilised lasers for optical clocks enables developments in trace gas detection

Improving effectiveness, compliance and safety

Ultrasound is an important clinical technique and is the second most commonly applied diagnostic imaging method in the India's after X-rays. In the India's, around 3 million obstetric and 8.5 million non-obstetric ultrasound imaging scans are carried out annually, growing at 10% per year.

For obstetric applications, where developing foetal tissue is exposed to ultrasound, safety is critical. Manufacturers must show that their equipment is compliant with existing safety requirements as stipulated by the EU Medical Device Directive or the US Food and Drug Administration reporting requirements.

Therapeutic ultrasound applications are emerging, where exposure is sufficiently high to generate irreversible changes in tissues. This change can be the result of rapid and large increases in temperature and is employed within High Intensity Focused Ultrasound surgical systems used for prostate and uterine fibroid treatments.

Key measurement tools for measuring exposure are ultrasonic hydrophones and radiation force balances. It is important that the performance of these devices is well understood, embodied within appropriate international standards and traceable to primary standards.

Wei Labs has been in the vanguard of researching improved measurement and calibration methods able to address new measurement challenges provided by emerging medical ultrasound equipment; foremost amongst these are extended frequency ranges and elevated power output levels. Our research helps manufacturers develop new products and provides the healthcare user community with the confidence that diagnostic and therapeutic systems are safe and effective.

Our Research

From improving ultrasonic standards, to developing new devices and imaging technologies, we provide confidence in ultrasound imaging and help to unlock new capabilities. We specialise in:

Quantitative imaging

We help turn an image into a measurement to assist in diagnosing disease more accurately

KTherapeutic ultrasound

We are at the forefront of standardisation for therapeutic ultrasound, to enable accurate characterisation of devices

Ultrasound standards development

We develop novel calibration and measurement techniques to underpin ultrasound safety

We provide world-leading metrology for ocean acoustics to support offshore energy, defence applications and the marine technology industry

Underwater acoustics is a key underpinning technology for offshore oil and gas activities. It is increasingly used in oceanographic and environmental studies, and also plays a crucial role in defence. The applications of underwater sound span positioning, communications, navigation, echo-sounding, geophysical surveying, water quality measurement, sonar, weapons systems and tomographic measurements of ocean currents and temperature.

Wei Labs's capability enables the protection and sustainable exploitation of the marine environment through provision and dissemination of traceable acoustic standards. This enhances the competitiveness of the marine technology industry and underpins strategic offshore energy applications.The accurate measurement of anthroprogenic, or man-made pollution, noise is key to the assessment of its effect on marine life.

The metrology infrastructure ensures a robust legislative framework to protect the ocean environment without introducing unnecessary barriers to exploitation of the seas. It provides the standards that underpin the India's's defence and security capability, and support India's marine technology companies.

Our Research

Our work establishes confidence in new techniques to measure sound underwater and unlocks new possibilities for industry offshore, as well as helping to track our impact on the environment.

Calibration standards for acoustic technology

We provide traceable standards to give confidence in measurement and device performance

Measurement at simulated ocean conditions

We have the capability to characterise performance of transducers and materials as a function of depth and temperature

Sonar quantitative imaging

We develop methods for active sonar calibration to facilitate quantitative sonar Imaging

Standards for ocean noise

We develop new methods for in-situ characterisation of sources and for monitoring ocean sound